

Central Heating Project in New-built Residencial Complex in Tangshan

The Central Heating Project is located in Yutian County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, serving a newly built residential complex. The total construction area is 35,859.45 square meters, comprising five standalone buildings. The above-ground construction area spans 31,819.58 square meters, with the tallest building reaching 52.7 meters high. The complex features structures ranging from one underground floor to 17 floors above ground, equipped with terminal floor heating. The heating system is vertically divided into two zones: the low zone from floors 1 to 11 and the high zone from floors 12 to 18.


Hien has provided 16 ultra-low temperature air source heat pump DLRK-160II units to meet the heating demands, ensuring room temperatures remain above 20°C.

Design Highlights:

1. Integrated High-Low Zone System:

Given the significant building height and vertical partitioning of the heating system, Hien  implemented a design where high-zone direct-connected units are utilized. This integration allows the high and low zones to function as a single system, ensuring mutual support between zones. The design addresses pressure balance, preventing vertical imbalance issues and enhancing overall system efficiency.

2. Uniform Process Design:

The heating system employs a uniform process design to promote hydraulic balance. This approach ensures the stable operation of the heat pump units and maintains consistent terminal heating performance, delivering reliable and efficient heat distribution throughout the complex.

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During the severe winter of 2023, when local temperatures plummeted to record lows below -20°C, the Hien heat pumps demonstrated exceptional stability and efficiency. Despite the extreme cold, the units maintained indoor temperatures at a comfortable 20°C, showcasing their robust performance.

Hien’s high-quality products and services have earned significant recognition from property owners and real estate companies. As a testament to their reliability, the same real estate company is now installing Hien heat pumps in two additional newly built residential complex, underscoring the trust and satisfaction in Hien’s heating solutions.




Post time: Jun-18-2024